All organic matter contains carbon, while all inorganic matter does not. Carbon fiber is made from organic polymers, long strings of large molecules held together by carbon atoms. Manufacturers use proprietary combinations of various liquids, gasses, and other elements and compounds to create certain qualities and grades of carbon fiber.

Through a systematic process of chemical alterations and extreme temperature heating, the fibers form tightly bonded crystals of carbon, which are then coated and spun into various-sized “yarns” that can be wound into composites or bound together with plastic polymer fibers. It’s not an easy process, it’s very labor intensive, and it’s not cheap.

The process, however, results in one of the strongest materials we have for endless applications, including construction, engineering, and industrial applications. Being 200% as stiff and five times stronger than steel, carbon fiber has revolutionized the way we can strengthen, repair, and maintain our concrete structures and foundations.

The extraordinary strength of carbon fiber comes from the chainlike bonding of its molecular structure, and the exact orientations in which the strands are woven together. By itself, a single strand of carbon fiber is only 5 to 10 microns in diameter, and is actually fragile and easy to break. Comparatively, a single strand of silk from a spider web is roughly 3 to 8 microns in diameter. But when the filaments are woven together and assembled in stacks (or sheets), the result is a product much stronger than steel. Essentially, there is strength in numbers—the more layers, the stronger the carbon fiber product.

As a construction material, especially in the reinforcement and repair of concrete structures, carbon fiber surpasses steel in more than just strength. As a bonus, carbon fiber is exceptionally heat resistant (it can withstand temperatures up to 750° Fahrenheit) and is impervious to the effects of water (rust and other types of corrosion).

Our Carbon Fiber Support products are everything you need to effectively repair your concrete structures, whether you’re a foundation repair contractor or a DIYer. If you want to learn more about the benefits of carbon fiber, contact us and let’s talk!